now it is fall and i realized i hadn’t posted any thing about the garden in a while. we went to the lake and came back to lots of vegetables.

i find beauty in some sad and ugly things. is this sad and ugly? in a way, yes, but how it is almost a yin and yang shape just had me thinking for a while.

found this while gardening at my love’s shop. it was sitting in the sand near the opening of a groundhog hole. now it guards the new garden there.

okay, now back to the lighter things! all the tomatoes we planted this season were wee in size. the top plate is ours and the bottom is what i bought at the farmer’s market. all yum.

all the bean sizes we planted this season. very fond of the long beans. i may plant more varieties next season.

zucchini climbed this year and that was fun.

grew just one spaghetti squash!

more zucchini (there always is) and what the cucumbers looked like!

another zucchini and cuke.