well, this isn’t from july it’s from June. i picked chive flowers and made chive vinegar.

it sits for two weeks then i strain out the flowers and you have this beautiful infused purple vinegar to use for salad dressings!

this is a new long bean that i planted and it has this gorgeous flower. no beans yet.

everything has been a slow grow this summer and lots of varmits eating my plants. that dececco broccoli is all eaten up now. it’s still alive so i’ll need to spray it with a bt spray or sprinkle rye flower all over it.

i planted all small to tiny varieties of tomato this season. i can get gorgeous big tomatoes at the farmers market.

here are a few cucumber varieties. they are a little higher on the fence now. and i sunk a planter of borage seeds at the end there. i know it can take over so i’m going to keep an eye on that. i may plant that somewhere else outside of the vegetable garden.

everything but the tomato plants, garlic, and leek were all started from seeds. Here i have a little garden of cilantro, arugula, parsley, carrots (i started too many of those), and dill (that has been difficult for me this year and i have no idea why!).

basil (that’s another one that i bought) and zucchini, and one spaghetti squash. i planted more spaghetti squash over near the compost pile. it has room to really spread out over there.

fingerling potatoes, onions, leeks, and garlic bed! something is eating the potato greens this year. i’ve never noticed that happening before but they still look good. just wonder if it will get to flower? you can see our neighbor’s amazing varmit control cover of his raised beds in the background!

and the haul from that bed yesterday. i let some leeks go to flower because the bees like them so much.

just a pretty tall Verbena that a friend gave me a couple years ago amongst the jungle of grasses and Solomon Seal i need to divide in the fall.